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Don’t Miss Our Bus

As we go further into stay-at-home orders, one thing that is abundantly clear is how intertwined our economy is. As the entire world’s pace has slowed down to something no one has ever seen before, we take stock in how we have supported businesses before, and how we will again.

This will end. Business will return. The need to purchase a new or pre-owned bus has not stopped – it has only been delayed.

At Davey Coach, our vision statement is “Connecting people to what’s important” and that may be more clear today than it ever has been. Our buses carry people to doctor appointments and sightseeing. There are family trips, vacations in new places, and landmarks we get to visit on a bus. Even things closer to home, like commuting to a job, going to school, taking care of children. There are retirement and assisted living communities that rely on buses to care for their residents. Healthcare organizations that pick up and drop off from important appointments. Employers that have shuttles that move people to and from job sites.

This will end and when it does, we are here, ready to serve you.
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